Announcement - 7/3 2 AM

This whole page is obviously a work in progress and I've sunk already maybe ... 6 hours into it? Ballparking, but you get the idea. Early stage, and I got plans for it! I wanna see about

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PF2e Love Letter - 7/3 12 PM

Great system! This post is mostly so I can get something long enough to trigger the container's overflow value, so I figured why not do a bit of a passion spill and talk about one of

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Live, Laugh, Love HTMX - 7/4 1 AM

Alright, quick start out. I love Jinja2 Templating. I'm a flask lover. I... ok well Django kinda sucks but it has Jinja so whatever. Point being, I like making just one layout template with

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Re: HTMX + Templating - 7/4 1 AM

AS PROMISED, my weird templating method. I'm putting this here to atleast archive it incase someone else sees a solution for the 'flicker' issue and wants it for their own blog.

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