Have I mentioned I like Pathfinder?
Great system! This post is mostly so I can get something long enough to trigger the container's overflow value, so I figured why not do a bit of a
passion spill and talk about one of the quickest "add-to-my-toolbox" systems I've done!
So, in summary Pathfinder Second Edition (henceforth just PF2e) is a standard d20 system with a focus on "making small bonuses matter", an extensive feat system,
and a focus on class/background/ancestry characters popularized notably by Dungeons and Dragons. This similarity isn't out of the blue either, as PF2e actually split
off from the 3.5 Edition of Dungeons and Dragons-- which that small patch of .5 is from a remaster the system overwent after production. Realy PF2e is now somewhat PF2.5e
after it had its own content remaster due to the legal action of Wizards of the Coast when they attempted to make a stricter policy regarding derivative systems.
Legalese aside, what you should take away is that PF2e is a fork off from D&D3.5. My first experience with the main line was with 4e (strangely hated by Many due to the
large change in content from prior editions), and then 5e, and then I was eventually spurred to explore more tabletop systems after D&D5e wasn't appealing to me enough after
years of play both in average session style campigns and Westmarch formats. I'll gloss over the between phases of GURPS, Savage Worlds, PBtA systems, Mutants and Masterminds,
but the important part is eventually I would shift into hosting PF2e as a sort of sudden "hey, let's try this thing!". That was back in 2021 if memory serves, and gosh what a game!
It felt natural to play from 5e (given that 5e somewhat went back to some 3.5 style content but with much MUCH less depth in character creation) and it was real
easy to hook players in and get them aquainted with the rules. Honestly it strangely felt easier to learn than 5e too, but that might have to do with being more experienced
Since then I've mostly hosted games, gotten to be a player 1.5 times (The .5 is I dropped out 2 sessions in, the style just wasn't for me), and still read new publications from
Paizo as they come out. It's been real easy to teach people with how easy it is to host online too, between Archives of Nethys hosting the rules for free (allowed by Paizo),
FoundryVTT being easy to get players into a game with modules and no subscription system like Roll20, an abundance of game content, real great!
I'll probably make a full post dedicated to the actual Game part of the tabletop roleplaying game, as I said I just needed something long-- But I'm always happy
to spill about TTRPG's! Probably lots, and lots of that due for this webscape.